Annual Pledge

Click the “Donate” button to make a contribution toward fulfilling your annual pledge.

Each year, we ask all of our members and friends to consider what they can pledge by way of financial support to UUCD for our next fiscal year (July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021). Financial pledges from our members and friends are the basis for our annual budget and the primary way that we can maintain our mission of growing a loving, inclusive, spiritually- and socially-active community in central Delaware.

Please consider what UUCD means to you, what our presence means to our broader community, and how our commitments can impact this world that is in such need of positive transformation. Also, please consider increasing your pledge for this coming year as a way to more fully engage and support our common work. The UUA Fair Share Giving Chart may be helpful as you are considering your pledge. You can adjust your pledge (by increasing or decreasing it) anytime your personal circumstances change; just let us know.

Every gift matters, no matter the amount. We are grateful for every dollar we receive. The leadership of UUCD commits to you to be the best stewards of your gifts that we can be as we empower our community to live out our mission.

Please complete the pledge form and either send the information to or mail a copy to UUCD, P.O. Box 1454, Dover, DE 19903-1454.

Please return your pledge by April 20, 2020 to give the Board of Trustees time to call the congregational meeting and present the new budget for the next fiscal year. The new budget will be presented at our Annual Meeting to be held in June.

We are so grateful for your gifts of time, talent, energies, and finances. All of these things make such a difference in who we are and what we are able to do together.

Click the links below to download 2020-2021 Stewardship Campaign Documents.