Donate Now

You can make secure credit card contributions to UUCD.

You can make a “Plate” contribution, a “Social and Environmental Justice” contribution”, a “Pledge” contribution, or a contribution to the “Endowment Fund” by clicking the corresponding button below. The purpose of each type of contribution is explained in more detail under each heading below.

Each button takes you to a secure Square payment page that corresponds to how you want your contribution to be used.

Plate Contribution

Plate contributions are usually made during the Sunday Service. They support UUCD’s operating expenses.

Pledge Contribution

By clicking this button, you can make a payment toward fulfilling your pledge.

Each Spring, we ask all of our members and friends to consider what they can pledge by way of financial support to UUCD for our next fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). Financial pledges from our members and friends are the basis for our annual budget and the primary way that we can maintain our mission of growing a loving, inclusive, spiritually- and socially-active community in central Delaware. (Read more about making a pledge.).

Social and Environmental Justice

Each month the Social and Environmental Justice Committee recommends a charity for UUCD to support.  The treasurer will consolidate contributions made during the month and send a check from UUCD to the charity.  All organizations which receive our donations are local to Kent County and are in alignment with UUA’s suggestions to make our social justice action proximate to those most in need. (Read more about the Social and Environmental Justice Committee.)

Endowment Fund

The UUCD Endowment Fund will build a broader and stronger foundation for our congregation’s future. This fund is administered by the UUCD Board and maintained in a special account. The Endowment Fund is independent of our operations account where pledge payments and other plate collections are deposited. (Read more about the Endowment Fund)