Social and Environmental Justice

Are you interested in MAKING A DIFFERENCE in Delaware by taking action on important social justice issues?

Join our Social and Environmental Justice Committee. Meetings of the committee are open to anyone, and we appreciate hearing about your passions regarding specific justice issues.

The committee sponsors several ongoing events:

Monthly Congregational Donations – Each month the Social and Environmental Justice Committee recommends a charity for UUCD to support.  Members can use the DONATE button on any web page or on the Support UUCD/Donate Now web page and designate Social Justice for their contribution.  The treasurer will consolidate the contributions and send a check from UUCD to the charity.  Most organizations which receive our donations are local to Kent County and all are in alignment with UUA’s suggestions to make our social justice action proximate to those most in need.

The Dover Interfaith Men’s Shelter (DIMH) –  The first Monday of each month UUCD members prepare and serve dinner at the Dover Interfaith Men’s Home (DIMH). Prior to the meal, we gather and listen as some residents share joys and concerns. After serving, we join them for dinner. Kitchen clean-up is the responsibility of the residents. Those of us who have been part of this experience return to help because we realize we are gaining as much or more than we are giving. Each month, one person serves as “head chef,” and is responsible for planning the menu and gathering all necessary ingredients. [Note:  this activity is currently on hold.]

Legislative Advocacy – At times, the Social Justice committee will organize legislative advocacy actions at the State capital to support bills that align with UU values, such as reform of the criminal justice system.

Highway Cleanup – Once a quarter the Social Justice committee leads a group of UUCD members to pick up litter along a road in Dover.

UUDAN – The purpose of UUDAN (Unitarian Universalist Delaware Action Network) is to educate, mobilize, and coordinate UUs on advocacy for social justice issues in the State of Delaware in coalition with other advocacy organizations. UUDAN contributes to the community of UU congregations in the State of Delaware by offering members of UU congregations the opportunity to engage with legislative advocacy.

a. Read more on the UUDAN website:

b. SIGN UP for Action Alerts that make it easy for you to take action to contact your representatives or to engage in other acts of justice. This is not a high volume subscription … but the alerts they send are timely and super helpful. This is the direct link to join UUDAN ( — be sure to select UUCD as your congregation, and click the option to sign up for updates.

Social justice is paramount for Unitarian Universalists, who have a historical tradition of “deeds not creeds.” This is a great way to put your faith into action to improve the lives of others and make the world (starting with Delaware) a better place.